Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Yet another terror plot foiled in Europe

PARIS, (AFP) - Terror suspects detained in France had been eyeing up the Parisian metro network, an airport and the headquarters of the domestic intelligence service as possible targets, sources close to the investigation said. Officials said the men were members of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), an armed Algerian group that grew out of the GIA and has links to the Al-Qaeda network. Bourada was described as their ringleader.

They are Salafi Muslims too ?? NO! According to Michael Moore Islamic terrorism is fake, and Muslim extremists are just misunderstood - jee - so according to liberals it is yet another coincidence. This is a liberal hypocrisy I am trying to reiterate on with almost every post - while the global struggle against Islamic terrorism continues, liberals not only ignore all the success and progress in dealing with these savages and anyone harboring them - liberals do everything in their power to suppress this struggle and portray it as some kind of "racially motivated imperialist intervention by Zionist-backed industrial-military complex of the West", however being liberal rhetoric - a 5 y.o. makes more sense than that. Meanwhile the rest of us commend French for doing something right ... for a change (being French and all) hehe


Blogger Rodogg said...

Hmmmm, lets see where to begin with this post, we will discuss the following quote from your post. "Liberals do everything in their power to suppress this struggle and portray it as some kind of "racially motivated imperialist intervention by Zionist-backed industrial-military complex of the West" This statement is incorrect and is false like most of your statements about the liberal stance on politics. The liberal way is the best way to look at everything as we have a clear and open mind unlike the conservatives. You need to stop thinking like a conservative and just conform to a liberal, lol, one day you will just give up and join, haha, take it easy man, lates man.

11:52 PM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger yugunter said...

Dave, I was actually commending France btw. for a change
VIVA LA FRANCE for their effort,

Rohit, once again, duly noted, and duly disagreed

10:40 AM, September 28, 2005  

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